
Digital Video
Great for preserving and reliving memories from athletics, clubs, student life and all other special occasions.
Digital Audio
Ideal for archiving a commencement address or other speeches
from guest speakers.
The world’s not black & white…add life to your yearbook!
The traditional paper yearbook was born in the early 1900s, when black & white
photography was considered state-of-the-art. Today, it’s a Blackberry, FACEBOOK
and YouTube-world with rich, interactive media available at the click of a
button. With unlimited access to internet content and also the expectation to
personalize and self-navigate, the paper yearbook simply comes up short.
MyYearbookBuilder electronic yearbooks utilize cutting-edge digital media
technology, while simultaneously offering all of the features common to the
paper yearbook. Our eYearbooks may contain hundreds or even
thousands of pages, with virtually unlimited color photographs, audio, video and
personal profile information.
*Blackberry, Facebook and YouTube are registered trademarks of their
respective owners. |