
A marriage of social media and the traditional paper yearbook, MyYearbookBuilder
is the ideal solution for those high schools interested in next-generation
yearbooks, which take full advantage of today’s digital technology and social
High school yearbook production and publishing is a two stage process, which is
completely customized to the needs and desires of each individual school. In the
first stage, the digital yearbook is built online as students and groups add
content to the online production database – viewable in real-time. In the second
stage of production, following the school administration’s approval to close the
yearbook for editing, Odyssey Interactive’s production team takes all of the
uploaded material and creates the final interactive CD or DVD digital yearbook
All sections of the traditional paper yearbook including signatures and senior
superlatives have been preserved in the MyYearbookBuilder high school publishing
system, and students can even sell advertisements in the form of eYearbook banner ads.
Individually, students manage a yearbook portrait that can hold up to 24 of
their favorite photographs, plus video files and audio clips. In a safe,
controlled and monitored environment, students can also write about themselves,
their interests and their school year, or even sign a friend’s eYearbook page
and create friendship networks.
Similar functionality is also available for clubs, athletics, events, memorials
and dedications, but in no case is any advanced material required.
The MyYearbookBuilder high school system is able to accommodate any yearbook
programs with a grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 organization structure.
Request Information regarding our high school
digital yearbook program.
Additional Formats:
College Yearbooks
Middle School Yearbooks