
Keeping the Yearbook Tradition Alive in the 21st Century!!!
A picture has the amazing ability to capture the feelings and emotions from
events throughout our lives. Because of this, we've come to treasure these
priceless memories. Think of all the time spent with friends or loved ones,
reminiscing of the moments shared together while flipping through countless
pages of photo albums and yearbooks. These memories are meant to be cherished
forever and shared with all. So why are children missing out? Why is it that not
every child gets a high school yearbook? Enjoying a memory shouldn’t be just for
the rich! However, the cost of producing a yearbook is rapidly increasing to the
point where many students can no longer afford purchase their school yearbook or
elect not to purchase to save money in these tough economic times; our schools
are also losing out on fundraising opportunities, which reduces moneys available
for books, extracurricular activities or sports. It’s a real tragedy that many
students can’t afford their yearbook or that some schools can’t afford to
produce a high quality yearbook. The MyYearbookBuilder publishing system
addresses rising costs and ensures that yearbooks remain universally available.
Contact Odyssey Interactive today to get started!
Start a risk-free, no obligation MyYearbookBuilder evaluation.